In partnership with the Corporate Coalition of Chicago and the Chicagoland Workforce Funder Alliance, Afton is facilitating the inaugural Fair Chance Hiring Initiative, a business-led effort to reduce barriers to hiring individuals with criminal justice involvement. The goals of the Initiative are to demonstrate and promote local models of successful fair-chance hiring, to build a cross-industry group of local champions for fair chance hiring to scale the effort, and ultimately to increase the number of people with criminal records gaining productive, family-supportive employment. Companies represent a diverse mix of industries, company sizes, level of regulation, and progress in their fair chance hiring journey. Some companies are Chicago-focused, while others operate nationally or globally.
Over the course of nine months—January through September 2023—human resources, diversity, and culture representatives from ten companies gather monthly to engage in peer-to-peer learning, learn from experts about potential solutions, and identify internal changes they can make to their talent acquisition processes to more effectively include candidates with criminal histories. Cohort members are also provided with individualized technical assistance and tailored connections to industry experts and other workforce supports over the duration of the program.
Topics covered in the monthly sessions include:
- Reframing common concerns about regulatory barriers
- Recruiting and building a talent pool
- Shaping inclusive background check practices
- Offering wrap-around supports and engaging partners
- Getting buy-in
- Developing an inclusive culture
- Compiling and reporting data
- Setting up talent for success
- Launching a pilot