An analysis on where we are now, how we got here, and where we are heading.
For nearly five years, Afton Partners has supported America’s public education organizations by advising on and implementing financial strategies that sustain effective educational systems and programs. We provide financial consulting and operational advisory services to public school districts, charter management organizations, foundations and private investors who support K-12 public education.
Through our work in states and school districts across the country, we identified trends that are impacting the fiscal landscape of K-12 public education today. In addition, we analyzed historical data and recent events to better understand how our school system reached this point, and we provide guidance on what states, districts, and schools must do in order to create and sustain an effective educational system for the benefit of all children.
Funding is Stagnant
After decades of near guaranteed increase, funding is stagnant while costs continue to increase.
Per Pupil Revenue (in constant FY13 Dollars)
Student Needs are Increasing
Unique needs of students continue to increase.
# of States with more than 50% of Free and Reduced Lunch Students
# of States with more than 15% of students with an Indivdualized Education Plan
Competition Continues to Increase
Competition for public funding has increased.
FY14 Enrollement in Millions
**These programs allow parents to receive tax deductions for school expenditures, including private school. These credits typically do not cover the foll cost of attending school.