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At Work At School

An Afton Partners Blog

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FOX Fellowship’s Support for Strong Charter School Management

Introduction One of our greatest pleasures at Afton is the occasional opportunity to step back and have reflective conversations about the meaning and impact of our work with partners. Afton’s co-founder and Managing Partner, Carrie Stewart, has been a coach for all three cohorts of the FOX Fellowship, a program for Chief Operating and Financial Officers of public… Continued

Partner Interview: Fair Chance Hiring

From January through September 2023, Afton collaborated with the Corporate Coalition of Chicago, Cara Plus, and the Chicagoland Workforce Funder Alliance to facilitate the inaugural Fair Chance Hiring (FCH) Initiative, a business-led effort to reduce barriers to hiring individuals with criminal justice involvement. We recently sat down with the Initiative’s Program Director, Steph Dolan, and co-facilitator, Liana Bran,… Continued

Applying Charter Authorizing Principles in the Early Childhood Field

By Abby McCartney and Carrie Stewart Introduction: Early Care and Education at a Crossroads Despite its importance for children’s development, the Early Care and Education (ECE) field has historically often been excluded from broader conversations about education quality and investment. This is changing: an increasing number of state and federal leaders are prioritizing public funding… Continued

Early Childhood Updates from Afton

There has been so much news on early childhood lately that we couldn’t resist adding our own information dump covering Afton’s recent efforts. Some exciting Afton-related early care and education (ECE) updates include: Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker announced a proposal for a new unified early childhood state agency, which represents an important next step for children and families, resulting… Continued

Financial Stewardship in a Time of Elevated Pressures

At Afton, we have been reflecting on the concept of financial stewardship, meaning how charter schools handle resources like money, assets, and talent to enable great outcomes. We believe effective financial stewardship consists of three major pillars:  Enacting your mission through resource allocation,  Protecting your money with controls and governance, and   Making good resource decisions that… Continued

Afton Community Engagement Practices

At Afton, we think of community engagement as the process of collaborating with impacted groups on projects and ensuring they can influence the decisions that will ultimately affect them. It’s part of living out our values to center the human experience, collaborate inclusively, and prioritize justice. In fact, it’s the core of everything we do.  We believe answers… Continued

Impact of the Proposed New Child Care Rule on Families and Providers

In July 2023, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program. CCDF is the primary federal grant that provides child care assistance to low-income working families with children under the age of 13. In addition to policy changes designed to… Continued

Summer Charter School Enrollment Scenario Budgeting Advice

Student enrollment is the engine that powers both mission and sustainability. However, with national birth rates at an all-time low and families increasingly migrating out of urban areas, that task is more difficult and uncertain than any time in recent history. Now is a critical moment to push to recruit new students and plan ahead… Continued

Navigating Uncertainty and Preparing for the Education Fiscal Cliff

Some public school systems, including several who Afton is currently supporting, are already charting their path to navigating their fiscal cliff. While each circumstance is different, we offer guidance to navigate the challenge, co-developed in partnership with the Charter School Growth Fund. Our guidance includes: Understand and confront the reality Engage and empower stakeholders Identify,… Continued

North Chicago CUSD 187: Progress after Injustice

By 2015, the State of Illinois had the most regressive education funding system in the country. When the state put forth its new education funding system in 2018, it calculated each of the state’s ~850 school districts’ funding adequacy targets. North Chicago Community School District 187 had just 54% of the funding it needed to… Continued